Ski - Bambini & Blue League

Your skiing career is still in the early stages and you have great ambitions.  You learn how to ski down simple slopes in the plough position and also how to do parallel skiing. There is no shortage of fun and enjoyment in the snow either.


You are between 3 and 5 years old and have never been on skis before, or only a few times.

In the Snowli Kids Village, you will learn about snow and skis in a playful way. Together with our ski instructors you will practice walking, skiing straight ahead, braking and at the end of the week you might even make your first small turns!

The lessons take place in our Kids Village. Ski poles are not required.

Blue Prince / Princess

In this level you learn or improve your skills in walking with the skis and start to ski in the plow, to brake and to make first turns.

Lessons begin in our Kids Village. Ski poles are not required.

We subdivide this level again:

Blue Prince 1
First timers from the age of 6. We look after the children in a playful way as they take their first steps in the snow.

Blue Prince 2
Children aged 6 and over who have skied before and 3 to 5-year-olds who have successfully completed the Bambini course. The children learn how to brake and may even take their first t-bar lift ride.

Blue King / Queen

You have already been able to gain some experience skiing and can already brake, stop and go straight in the plow without any problems. Putting on and taking off the skis, walking around with the skis on and getting up on your own after a fall are hardly a problem for you anymore.

In this level, you learn to use the plow selectively in your turns and to ski more parallel across the slope. In addition, the first waves and small jumps are introduced! The biggest challenge will be learning to slide sideways, or ‘sideslip’, a technique that will accompany you all your life.

The lessons will take place in the intermediate area, so you will learn to use the t-bar lift and a ski ticket. Ski poles will be used some of the time.

Blue Star

You have been on skis for several seasons and can use the plate lift. You are confident on skis, but are still braking using the plow.

In the last level of the Blue League, you learn to use your turns safely on more difficult blue slopes. In addition, you will be introduced to your first slaloms, and how to ski backwards.

The lessons will begin in the intermediate area. Ski poles are sometimes used.

Swiss Snow League

Ski - Bambini & Blue League


Ski - Red League


Ski - Black League


Snowboard League
